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Англо-русский юридический словарь - defeat


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Перевод с английского языка defeat на русский


1) отмена, аннулирование; прекращение | отменять, аннулировать; прекращать

2) расстройство (планов и т.п.) | разрушать, расстраивать (планы и т.п.); опровергать

3) поражение | наносить поражение

4) предотвращать; препятствовать

5) отвергать, отклонять, проваливать (законопроект)

to defeat a motion — отклонить ходатайство;

to defeat the action — представить достаточные возражения по иску;

to defeat the course of justice — наносить ущерб интересам правосудия;

to defeat the law — препятствовать осуществлению закона

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Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
   1. noun  1) поражение - sustain a defeat - suffer a defeat  2) расстройство (планов); крушение (надежд)  3) leg. аннулирование  2. v.  1) наносить поражение  2) расстраивать (планы); разрушать (надежды и т.п.); проваливать (законопроект)  3) leg. отменять, аннулировать Syn: drub, lick Ant: give up, surrender ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. поражение; разгром the defeat of a party —- поражение партии (на выборах и т. п.) the defeat of a bill —- провал законопроекта (в парламенте) defeat on points —- спорт. поражение по очкам to inflict (to administer) a defeat upon smb. —- нанести кому-л. поражение, разгромить кого-л. to suffer (to sustain) a defeat —- потерпеть поражение to accept defeat —- примириться с поражением for the first time in his life he met defeat —- впервые в жизни он познал горечь поражения 2. крушение (надежд) it was the defeat of all my plans —- все мои планы рухнули 3. юр. аннулирование, отмена 4. наносить поражение, разбивать to defeat the enemy —- разбить противника, одержать победу над противником to defeat a candidate —- нанести поражение кандидату (на выборах) to defeat smb. on points —- спорт. выиграть состязание (бой, встречу) по очкам to defeat in detail —- воен. разгромить по частям after six hours of debate, they defeated the nonconfidence motion —- после шестичасовых дебатов они провалили резолюцию недоверия the Government was defeated in Parliament —- правительство получило в парламенте вотум недоверия 5. расстраивать, срывать; разрушать (планы, замыслы и т. п.) to defeat smb.'s ends —- сорвать чьи-л. замыслы to defeat the ends of justice —- помешать делу (торжеству) правосудия to defeat one's own purpose (object) —- повредить самому себе; действовать во вред своим...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. поражение, разгром, крушение (о надеждах); юр. отмена, аннулирование - defeat of bill 2. гл. наносить поражение, разбивать, уничтожать, отменять, аннулировать DEFEAT отмена, аннулирование; отменять, аннулировать – to defeat a claim – to defeat all opposition to application – to defeat novelty – to defeat patentability ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 overcome in a battle or other contest. 2 frustrate, baffle. 3 reject (a motion etc.) by voting. 4 Law annul. --n. the act or process of defeating or being defeated. Etymology: ME f. OF deffait, desfait past part. of desfaire f. med.L disfacere (as DIS-, L facere do) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. transitive verb  Etymology: Middle English deffeten, from Anglo-French defait, past participle of defaire, desfaire to destroy, from Medieval Latin disfacere, from Latin dis- + facere to do — more at do  Date: 14th century  1. obsolete destroy  2.  a. nullify ~ an estate  b. frustrate 2a(1) ~ a hope  3. to win victory over ; beat ~ the opposing team  Synonyms: see conquer  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Date: 1590  1. frustration by nullification or by prevention of success the bill suffered ~ in the Senate  2. obsolete destruction  3.  a. an overthrow especially of an army in battle  b. the loss of a contest ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (defeats, defeating, defeated) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you defeat someone, you win a victory over them in a battle, game, or contest. His guerrillas defeated the colonial army in 1954... = beat VERB: V n 2. If a proposal or motion in a debate is defeated, more people vote against it than for it. The proposal was defeated by just one vote. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed 3. If a task or a problem defeats you, it is so difficult that you cannot do it or solve it. There were times when the challenges of writing such a huge novel almost defeated her. VERB: V n 4. To defeat an action or plan means to cause it to fail. The navy played a limited but significant role in defeating the rebellion... = thwart VERB: V n 5. Defeat is the experience of being beaten in a battle, game, or contest, or of failing to achieve what you wanted to. The most important thing is not to admit defeat until you really have to... The vote is seen as a defeat for the anti-abortion lobby... N-VAR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 failure to win or succeed  (an election defeat | serious defeat)  (The government has suffered a serious defeat. | admit defeat (=stop trying to succeed))  (She's told him she won't marry him, but he'll never admit defeat.) 2 victory over someone or something + of  (We made the defeat of fascism our major priority.) ~2 v 1 to win a victory over someone in a war, competition, game etc; beat1 (1)  (After a long campaign Wellington's army finally defeated Napoleon. | defeat sb by 10 points/ by 3 goals to 2 etc)  (We defeated the other team by six runs.)  (- see win1) 2 if something defeats you, you cannot understand it and therefore cannot answer or deal with it  (It was the last question on the paper that defeated me.) 3 to make something fail  (It was a lack of money, not effort, that defeated their plan.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1380, from Anglo-Norm. defeter, from O.Fr. defait, pp. of defaire, from V.L. *diffacere "undo, destroy," from L. dis- "un-, not" + facere "to do, perform." Original sense was of "ruination, destruction." Military sense of "conquer" is 16c. Defeatist is 1918, from Fr. dйfaitiste, in reference to the Russians. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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